Out and about and nowhere special

Out and about and nowhere special

Friday, July 24, 2015

Woo Hoo - soon to be a published author

I'm excited for sure. I have dreamed of writing a book and having it published. Writing has been in my blood - I think I was born to write. But life just took over for a few decades. Thankfully, the door has opened once again for me to write and share with others. I have 54 years of experiences - and that's more than 54 experiences to share. I know not every one of them will find their way on paper, but most will. I started writing after Christmas one year. Mom said that if we wanted a present from Aunt Helen next year, we had to write a thank you letter to her this year. Mom told us this every year. I don't think thank you letters were our favorite thing to do after opening our gifts, but as the years went by, we always found time to write - because who doesn't want to get a gift at Christmas? It's funny, though, that the writing of thank you notes have gone by the wayside. After writing with a pen and having a cramped hand, I learned how to use a typewriters and those white-out strips for when you made a mistake. Thankfully I didn't have to use carbon paper. Then again, writing the same note only once would have been a great idea - just write in the name and make it as generic as possible. After typewriters came computers and email. You know how fast you can send a thank you note on a computer? In a split second. Then you're right back to playing with those new gadgets you got for Christmas.

Thankfully, I've had more fun writing letters than just a simple thank you note. I recently learned this team - stream of consciousness writing. I hadn't realized it, but I had been using it all along - whenever I was writing a letter to my grandma or to my mom when I was in college or a new mom. I had so much to say and just sort of rambled the words together (sort of like I'm doing now). But the receivers of the letters didn't mind at all. They said they loved reading my letters. I really should get back into do that - even if it's just typing them in an email. Atleast they're getting something from me. Both my parents are now deceased, as are my grandparents, and my husband. But I have two aunts that would still love to read a letter from me now and then. That would be the right thing to do.

We get so caught up in life - I know, I'm addicted to FB. I love to get on it several times a day to see what everyone's up to. I love to send out prayers to people or words of encouragement. I feel like I would miss so much if I ever walked away from it. But I can also see the advantage of not being on it all the time. Then when something happens in your life and you share it in person, they can't say, "Oh, I read that on FB!" Funny how that happens - we get so excited about things, the first place we go is to post it on FB. They say it's not official if it's not on FB! But as a writer, if you have a pet peeve for grammar and spelling - you can't complain about it on FB. Anything goes on there - pretty much. And everything is an acronym, except in little letters like lol, ikr, and even ones I don't care to right (or read).

So my title - it's time to talk about that! I am going to be a published author in September of this year. I'm so excited. The book title will be announced in August and then I can start promoting it even more. I've had the oppty to read some of the entries (chapters) and let me say, you will be inspired, maybe even challenged by the transformations people are sharing in their chapters. I hope you'll be inspired by my chapter. I'm on the upside of Barry's anniversary in heaven, and so I know the climb to the next mountain top is going to be amazing. I hope to continue to shine for Christ wherever I go, and with whatever I write. I know (Phil 4:13) I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. That's like my theme verse. The strength I've received from God has surely been present in my life  - all of it, really. And I thank Him for being there for me, loving me unconditionally - through whatever life has taken me.

If you haven't taken the opportunity to pre-order a copy of the book I have written in, then do so now - go to my website suecorbran.com and place an order via PayPal - just $15 (plus tax) for hand delivery within 2 hours of Meadville (or if you're going to KidMin in Chicago in Sept); or $23 (includes tax and shipping). All pre-ordered books will be signed by me with a personal message for you (or a friend, if designated). I look forward to sharing more with all of you in the days and weeks ahead. Watch for news on a prebook launch party in August - and a book signing party in late Sept or early Oct. Kudos to you - and happy writing right back at you!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

It's easier said than done

I think that's my motto - It's easier said than done. To make yourself do something takes effort, especially if it's something you're not passionate about. For me, it's easy to sit down and start writing - it doesn't matter where the writing takes me, as long as I'm not writing in circles.

Have you ever driven in one of those round-a-bouts? Wow - if you get in the left lane, you could drive in circles and never get anywhere. You have to make a move to the right to get going. But if you're in the right lane on a 4-lane highway and you never pass anyone, you're not going to get to where you want to go very fast. And it's not always safer to drive in the right lane. Move to the left and keep going. It's not about staying on the left side or staying on the right side. You have to keep switching things up. You can't stay the same or keep doing the same thing, because if you do, you're still going to get the same results (I've heard that in the business world). You have to keep moving - even if it's just one step at a time, like getting out of bed everyday. Do one more thing every day until you've accomplished your goal. Then start over on the next goal.

So how do you decide which is the next goal? They say busy people get things done. But I have kept somewhat busy over the last two years with little accomplishment. I could blame that on the grief, and maybe that's acceptable; but I have to take some credit for the decisions I've made along the way. I know the first year and a half, I took a lot of trips - most were to visit the grandkids. These trips were really a way to escape the reality from what I needed to do. (work and make money).

I spent the last 32 years being a stay at home mom, only working PT here and there - to make some extra money - for extra activities. I was never responsible of being the sole provider - even between my two marriages, my parents helped out, along with child support. But I don't want to wait around either for a 3rd husband to pay my way. It's my turn to step up and shake off the anxiety of working, and just do it. I can say, I'm a whole lot closer to succeeding now than I was just a few months ago. The writing has helped break down some of those limitations, aka walls, that were built over the years. And I actually want to work now - compared to just having to work. It's definitely a mindset.

So what I need to do is decide on which goal to go after. I have several irons in the fire - Ambit Energy, Creative Memories, writing, Title Searching, and volunteering with children's ministry. I've been doing most of these things (except Title searching) for the last six months, with little progress - except writing the chapter for the book -which is already submitted). It's time to mix things up and work strong at one thing and make it work. I believe it's going to be the Title Searching - I just have to finish an online course - sort of a refresher course for me, and then take the steps to go to the courthouse and practice on a few family properties - and then introduce myself to the local lawyers. Yes, it's easier said than done. I started the course over a week ago, but then put it on hold to finish the chapter, but also volunteer for VBS. Both of those are done now. No more excuses, except for a meeting here and a lunch date there. One of these days, I will have a whole week available just for doing the Title Searching. I've got to give it a try - it could at least pay my car payment and health insurance, and maybe a few other things. That would be less money to take out of my savings - which is good.

I'm surely not writing this for people to feel sorry for me - I don't blame anyone but myself for where I am. I don't even blame God - He has been my strength through all of this. Sometimes I'm amazed that I've made it this far already. It will be two years in two weeks that Barry went to heaven. I need to be praising God that I'm still here - still moving forward - still wanting to learn more - still needing to honor Him in everything I do. I don't know how people make it through life without God by their side? Some do, they just don't do it well. I think I'm doing pretty good, considering. And I have a strong support team - in family and friends to lean on as I keep moving forward. I am fortunate, for sure.

So - tomorrow is already filled up with stuff to do out of the house - (unless it rains tomorrow night, then golf will be canceled and I can stay home and work on that course). Tues - I can work around a car maintenance appt, and Wed - I can work around a lunch date - then I have all day on Thurs and Fri to finish up this course - and maybe I can even get to the courthouse on one of those days to practice doing a title search. I'm excited, yet a bit nervous. Kind of afraid of messing up or looking stupid. But that's just part of life. I am going to mess up sometime and perhaps, I might even appear stupid - but I'm not because I am getting my life back now - and I need to do whatever it takes to get it done - I need to change that statement around to something like - "getting it done is easy, said I."

I just have to stay positive and not let anything else stop me from proceeding forward - no roadblocks allowed this week! Or next week. It's time to set my course - and go.

Thanks for the continued prayers - I really do appreciate them. (PS, and I'm going to keep blogging.)