Out and about and nowhere special

Out and about and nowhere special

Monday, October 19, 2015

Making time to write

Wasn't it just summer? Where are the seasons going? We're in the middle of fall and it snowed in my neck of the woods over the weekend. I even had my first snowball fight with two little kids - it was a playful fight. I wanted to build a snowman but with no gloves on, my hands were already frozen. I had to use my sleeve to push the snow off of my car. When I arrived at home, I found the snow brush and put it into the car (and hopefully it will act like an umbrella and keep any more snow away until December!)

Here we are past the middle of October, which means it won't be long now until I pack my suitcase for a trip down to Tennessee to visit my daughter(s) (hope it's both of them) and my grandkids. I haven't seen them since August. But we recently skyped, and that's almost as good as being there. I'll be helping Amy with fall cleaning. "When in doubt, throw it out" is my motto. Though I also have granddaughters in this area who might get some hand-me downs. It will be a fun time - looking forward to at least one meal out (since I don't do that very often here.)

After I get home, I'll be involved in a writing group called NaNoWriMo, which stands for National November Writing Month. It's designed for anyone who loves to write to spend time doing what they love. They have a set goal of 50,000 words - that's @1667 a day. I actually think it's doable - though I know there will be some days dedicated to other things, so maybe it will be harder than I think. But even if I don't reach the goal, I'm better off for giving it a try. I'll be working on my first book, called Around Robin Hood's Barn. (You will recognize it as the title of my website, and similar to the blog).

I was recently asked to write a blog for the One Degree Shift group, which also supports the writing program that produced the book Emerge. I wrote about the ministry I formed as I was finishing up the chapter. Starting in March, I'll be writing in the third book program which will produce the book, Soar. Any time to write is fine with me and what I love to do. Since the more you do something, the better you become at it; and the more you read, the more words you put in your head, then reading makes you a better writer. I have to make sure I schedule time to do both of these things, since I'm not completely dedicated to doing at the moment, but soon. It's a mindshift - it's redefining what's important to me to and making sure I follow through with those activities.

With the help of the Transform Thru Writing book program, I am starting to gain back my confidence and belief in myself. (that which I lost when my husband died two years ago). Timing is everything. Becoming a co-author has been a dream come true. As long as I am moving in the forward direction, all is good. And so my story continues...

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Life is a mystery - the minute you figure something out, another puzzle is put in front of you. I don't know why I'm always surprised to find myself going through life's mazes of twists and turns, dead ends and switchbacks. But here I am - among the storms of life.

It's not even a big storm. That would have been the time when our house burned down or when my husband was diagnosed with an incurable cancer (and died). No, the storms now are just light showers, maybe even sprinkles. Just enough to make a puddle to stand in and know your dependence needs to remain on God - for everything. Don't ever hold anything back from Him - He knows about those secrets - you can't hide from Him. And always know that God loves you no matter what's going on in your life. He just wants you to love Him in return and give Him the honor and glory for your life.

I do love my God, my Savior, my Lord. There have been times in my life when I've tried to hide or sneak away from Him (not sure why I thought I could even do that. lol), only to be uncovered by others speaking His words to me. God never left me, even when I thought I was leaving Him behind. In the song - O no, you never let go of me...so true, for it was me who let go of God. And why do I do that? Why is it that I don't want to always share myself with Him? Yes, it's sin. Sin separates us from God. We can't have them both at the same time. We have to love God more.

So for now, wherever I go, I am taking God with me on this life journey. Over mountains during great times, happy moments, etc; and through the valleys - when times are tough and discouraging; I need to remember that He is my strength, my comforter, my peace. No matter what comes my way, I need to remember that He is there holding me through it all because God loves us unconditionally.